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Auto Services

keyJack’s Auto Body is Pocatello’s premier auto services shop. With decades of experience across our staff and technical team, you can place your trust in Jack’s Auto Body for all of our auto service needs. As a long standing, local Pocatello business, we have proven ourselves in providing quality, affordable work in every job we do. Give us a call or stop in the shop today!

If you have suffered the misfortune of an auto accident, finding the right repair shop is the most important step in restoring your vehicle. Jack’s Auto Body is dedicated to doing the job right the first time, meaning that you won’t be paying another shop to handle somebody else’s mistakes. No matter how bent, torn, creased, or mangled our vehicle is, we are confident in our ability to restore it to its original state.

After an accident, the first step is realignment of the frame of the vehicle. With our specialized equipment –floor systems, anchoring tools, racks, hydraulic rams, pumps, pulleys, axles, and so on – we can untangle even the ugliest damages. With years of experience, our crew works quickly and efficiently to make your car as good as new.

The next step is to restore the body. Using the latest methodologies and materials, our staff will remove all dents and damages from the body of your car, and weld each piece firmly into place on the frame.

Our painters are some of the most skilled alive, meticulously matching the new coat with the original color of your vehicle. Or, our staff can help you choose a great new color if you like. We use only the highest quality paints to ensure longevity of the body. In Pocatello’s unpredictable climate, cars take a beating daily. During the winter, gravel, salt, and ice melting chemicals can tear up the boy of a car. In the summer, chip sealed road surfaces launch tar covered rocks at your car’s paint. This is why we choose only the best products for our restoration jobs – paint serves as the first line of defense in the longevity of your restored auto body.

We assure that your vehicle will be restored to its pre-accident state in a timely, affordable manner.

Contact us today for more information by requesting a 
FREE Consultation
with Eastern Idaho's best auto repair company, Jack's Auto!

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